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In conversation with Graham Tyler

Supporting the creative industry.

31 January 2020

It’s not often you think of accountants and the creative industry at the same time. We spoke to Graham Tyler, Media & Entertainment Partner at Moore Kingston Smith, sponsors and accountants of British Arrows, about how the accounting firm works with and supports the creative industry.

Moore Kingston Smith has long been a supporter of creativity, working closely with all parts of the industry for many years. A firm of accountants and business advisers, they have a big presence in London with over 60 partners and more than 500 staff based in the capital, and an additional 30,000 people in 110 countries across the rest of the world. Their focus on media & entertainment clients sees them working with a variety of businesses, with Graham personally having worked as an accountant and advisor to the industry for over 35 years, counting directors, producers, agencies and theatres among his clients.

With creative businesses differing to those in other sectors, Graham believes that it’s important to “look at the world in a slightly different way,” and to look at creative companies holistically in order to understand what is going on in the business. These differences between traditional accounting work and the creative industry is what makes Graham enjoy his job so much. Thinking back on his career as an advisor to the industry, he says that “over time, you develop a way of working that may differ from what a traditional accountant does. You look at finances in a different way and develop ways of looking at things from a creative point of view rather than just a financial.”

When asked what made an accountant want to get involved in the creative industry in the first place, Graham laughs. “That’s a good question,” he says. “When you qualify as an accountant you end up with all sorts of choices. I got some experience dealing with the sector early on; it was interesting and I really liked the people.”

This genuine interest in the sector and its people have allowed Graham and Moore Kingston Smith to develop a deeply ingrained understanding of the creative industry. With an office now in Los Angeles, set up specifically with the Media industry in mind, their support of the creative industry doesn’t just stop at the books – they’re providing transatlantic support with offices in two of the world’s largest creative hubs, as well as business advice informed by years of working within the industry.

This support extends to their investment in the creative industry, sponsoring the British Arrows for the past few years and again in 2020, as well as other events in the sector. Moore Kingston Smith also runs their own programme which mixes support of creativity with charitable causes, the Creative Vision Award. The program is designed to support aspiring film producers to work with charities to produce short films raising awareness of worthy causes.

Graham thoroughly enjoys working with creative clients as he finds the people great to work with and enjoys learning more about the creative process with each client he meets. He sees his personal and the firm’s support of the awards and the industry as a whole as vital, saying that it’s “important to be a part of the community.” Graham and his team are looking forward to the British Arrows returning to Grosvenor House in 2020 and once again attending the awards.

Read more about Moore Kingston Smith, here.

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